Make sure all commands that require a pin number are separate by a space. Commands will not work if they are not formatted properly.
- On (start or continue receiving notifications)
- Usage: On
- Example: on
- Usage: On
- Off (stop receiving notifications)
- Usage: Off
- Example: off
- Usage: Off
Help (gives you a link to this article)
- Usage: Help
- Example: help
- Usage: Help
Enroll (enrolls you into a group using a pin number)
- Usage: Enroll [pin number] (do not include brackets)
- Example: enroll 123456
- Usage: Enroll [pin number] (do not include brackets)
Unenroll (unenrolls you out of a group using a pin number)
- Usage: Unenroll [pin number] (do not include brackets)
- Example: unenroll 123456
- Usage: Unenroll [pin number] (do not include brackets)
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